Joss Stone
Last night was a big music night in our house. I took both of our girls to go see Joss Stone at Irving Plaza and my husband took our son to go see Franz Ferdinand at Roseland.
I have actually seen Joss Stone before but not Franz. I would have liked to go see Franz but opted to take the girls to Joss (they have never seen her before).
One of the wonderful things about living in NYC is the availability of the arts. We strolled over to Irving Plaza around 9:15. We were lucky to have VIP tickets. Steve Greenberg of S-Curve Records happened to room with my husband in grad school. He has a nose for music and Joss is one of his artists. We headed up stairs and got to hang over the balcony and see Joss perform. She came on around 9:30.
She is such a breath of fresh air particularly for young girls. Her audience scales older but she is only 17. She comes on stage wearing jeans and a tank top, nothing fancy, not made up with bare feet. She belts out a song. You can not believe the voice that is coming from this young girl. She sounds like a 50 year old black woman. Sultry, throaty, deep and sexy. The best part is when she finishes and the audience goes wild, she literally giggles. It as if she can't get over that these people are applauding for her. After watching the young stars of today who are so manufactured, Joss is refreshing.
We only stayed for about 4-5 songs because the first day of school was that day and there was school tomorrow. The girls were tired. No biggie. We just left when we were ready to roll, walked home and went to bed.
My son loved his night out too. He said Franz rocked! Next week, we're off for a group outing to see Jack Johnson at Summerstage. I can hardly wait.